Sunday, May 27, 2007

Spiritual Highs and Legal Blows

Here is a nicely written account of the struggle of well meaning religious people fighting for the right to practice their beliefs without interference from the government. I was taught that America was the place were all people could freely practice thier religion in peace, but that is obviously not the case thanks to the failed war on drugs...

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Sunday, May 06, 2007

Is Wikipedia A Good News Source For Stories Like The Virginia Tech Shootings?

The popular Internet encyclopedia Wikipedia was a go-to site for news about the Virginia Tech shootings. I would like to point out some useful commentary available at Digg regarding the following story and the usefulness of Wikipedia as a source of reference for any kind of information, news or otherwise. After you read this article, check out this link for some different points of view: Wikipedia As A News Medium

Imagine a newspaper with over 2,000 writers, researchers and copy editors, yet no supervisors or managers. No deadlines; no meetings; no chain of command. That seemingly chaotic nonstructure isn't recognizable of the hierarchical editorial control of old media, yet that's exactly how Wikipedia, an essential source for the VA Tech shootings, works...

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Rocket Johnson Reporting
for The Global Webisphere

Visit PlanetWebSite for a look at the developing Global Webisphere.

Cheapest Airlines in the US History!

The new airlines SkyBus will certainly shake the airlines industry as it pays only $9 per hour to its flight attendants, eliminate jetway and call center, and charge you only $10 per flight. Simply amazing.

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Saturday, May 05, 2007

Judge steps down, refuses to enforce new, tougher marijuana law

"I cannot in good conscience sit on the bench while being unwilling to enforce the municipal ordinances," Frieling said. "Specifically, since you have seen fit to increase the penalty for Cannabis possession from a $100 fine to a $1,000 fine and a year in jail, I find that I am morally and ethically unable to sit as a judge for the city."This is a great testament to the fact that the awareness of this ridiculous prohibition is finally being called for what it is... another disastrous failure of our entirely too controlling legal system. It is a plant for God's sake, and one He intended for man to use just like any other herb in our gardens. Please read this post and it's comments and then do more research if you are still on the fence with this subject. Really, you owe it to yourself to be truthfully informed about the lies that have been circulating for decades about this healing herb. Try visiting The Green Earth Ministries ( where you will find many valuable articles with verifiable references to help you along.

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Why Restore Your Faded Dim Headlights?

Because it is dangerous to be driving at night with headlights that are just to dim to safely light the way ahead. An amazing product from Crystal View Chemicals can restore your plastic headlight covers back to like new condition without having to use any special tools or a drill. It's a simple 2-part system that takes only 5 minutes per lens...

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Restore Your Faded Dim Headlights For Night Driving Safety

Because it is dangerous to be driving at night with headlights that are just to dim to safely light the way ahead. An amazing product from Crystal View Chemicals can restore your plastic headlight covers back to like new condition without having to use any special tools or a drill. It's a simple 2-part system that takes only 5 minutes per lens...

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