Monday, April 14, 2008

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! - The Second Coming Of Christ

The Bible says that Jesus returns "in the clouds." -- People of the world are sick, dying, starving, suffering, and our government keeps a plant illegal that could save millions of lives? A plant that has never killed anyone in 5,000 years of recorded history? Why do they REALLY want people to think this plant is evil? When it's obviously not.

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Link to first announcement at Green Earth Ministries

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Wanted!....GOD....for Trafficking in Marijuana

Jesus is His co-conspirator. We'd better alert America's Most Wanted to be on the lookout for these criminals! Maybe we should hang posters in the Post Office too before it is too late and the whole world has gone to pot. Cannabis ministers speak out at the failed war on drugs and the resulting police state we live in.

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Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Clergy Speak Out Against the War on Drugs

Protestant, Catholic and Jewish clergy speak out against “The War On Drugs.” This video is a very valid discussion regarding America's illegal prohibition on controlled substances. “One of the reasons that we as religious leaders need to speak out against it is because we share responsibility for it.” Please educate yourselves on this failed...

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Link to full article at Green Earth Ministries

Thursday, March 27, 2008

How Marijuana Brings About Divine Wisdom And Understanding

Cannabis helped me to reconnect with God on a very personal level. It has also made it possible for me to conquer fear and replace it with love. And that's the biggest blessing of all!I am what the creator made me to be. At least I pray so...Each day is to walk in a good way to honor all who lived before me... Who died for me...

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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Medical Marijuana Supporters Protest DEA Raids In LA

The voters of California said yes, the federal government says no. Tuesday supporters of medical marijuana are saying enough. They want the feds to stop what they claim is the unabated harassment of medical marijuana dispensaries and the patient that use them.

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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Calling B.S. on the Idea of "Marijuana Addiction"

The U.S. government believes that America is going to pot -- literally.Earlier this month, the U.S. National Institute on Drug Abuse announced plans to spend $4 million to establish the nation's first-ever "Center on Cannabis Addiction," which will be based in La Jolla, Calif. The goal of the center, according to NIDA's press release, is...

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Monday, March 24, 2008

U.S. Rep. Barney Frank Brings Marijuana Bill To Congress

Rep. Barney Frank plans to submit legislation to congress this week that would decriminalize the possesion of small amounts of marijuana. Frank Believes States should have the right to regulate drugs and that medical marijuana patients need not be prosecuted.

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Thursday, March 06, 2008

The Wire's War on the Drug War - TIME

"A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficial appearance of being right," wrote Thomas Paine when he called for civil disobedience against monarchy — the flawed national policy of his day. The writers of HBO's The Wire offer a way for the populace to stand up against the drug war: Jury Nullification.If asked to serve on a jury deliberating a violation of state or federal drug laws, we will vote to acquit, regardless of the evidence presented. Save for a prosecution in which acts of violence or intended violence are alleged, we will — to borrow Justice Harry Blackmun's manifesto against the death penalty — no longer tinker with the machinery of the drug war. No longer can we collaborate with a government that uses nonviolent drug offenses to fill prisons with its poorest, most damaged and most desperate citizens.

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Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Jamaica considers legalising cannabis

Jamaica is considering the legalisation of marijuana, a drug revered by members of the island's large Rastafarian population who say smoking it is part of their religion.

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Moses was high on drugs says Israeli researcher

This is what I've been saying all along! High on Mount Sinai, Moses was on psychedelic drugs when he heard God deliver the Ten Commandments, an Israeli researcher claimed in a study published this week.

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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Man Cures Cancer And Now Must Run From His Cure

As the War on Drugs marches on, there is another casualty up in Canada. Only this time, there is a powerful testimony of just how corrupt and disinterested our government leaders can be when it comes to something as precious as a human life. Rick Simpson's story "Run From The Cure" is a must see, and the outcome WILL really make you wonder about our so called freedom.

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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Man's Law or God's Law...Who are we supposed to follow?

Two Alabama ministers are under tremendous fire from authorities for standing up for their freedom because they grew and were using marijuana. They have declared that their religious belief is that cannabis or hemp is the "Tree of Life" spoken about in The Holy Bible (Revelation 22:2) and are asking the court to dismiss the charges against them.

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Link to full article at Green Earth Ministries

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Barry Cooper - A True American Patriot Stands Up For Freedom

A former narcotics officer is running for U.S. Congress - and he produces videos such as "Never Get Busted Again," advising the public on how to avoid getting arrested for drugs. "American citizens do not need political experience to run for office. American citizens need courage, integrity, honor and compassion to be a leader for America"

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The Red Pill - An appeal from Marijuana Ministers in Alabama

The ongoing saga of two children of God, Bruce & Brenda Shoop, who are standing up for their God given human and constitutional right to worship a religion of their choice regardless of it's popularity. A controversial case regarding the sacramental use of marijuana (cannabis) as provided for in the Holy Bible is playing out right now in Alabama.

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Q4 FEC Reports: Ron Paul Receives More Military Donations Th

an All Other Republicans Combined Total military donations nearly as much as the total of all other remaining candidates - Republican and Democrat. “The latest numbers make it clear: the troops support Ron Paul,” said Ron Paul campaign chairman Kent Snyder. “Dr. Paul has worked his entire career working for veterans, and has many awards

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Top Three Contributors to RP are US Army, Navy and Air Force

Message of strong national defense and strictly following the Constitution resonates with American servicemen and women

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Thursday, February 07, 2008

Drug Laws Need Revision NOW!

Source: Daily Free Press Massachusetts -- Last month, activist groups led by the Coalition for Sensible Marijuana Policy launched a campaign to reduce the penalties for the possession of marijuana for personal use in Massachusetts. According to current state law, possession of any amount of marijuana carries the risk of incarceration, heavy fines...

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Marijuana Ministers Speak Out

It is well known that cannabis is medicine. The only news that may surprise people is that it is also a religious sacrament. It is also a major ingredient in the Holy Anointing Oil of Moses that Jesus used in healing. We believe that this anointing, along with deep prayer, opens the eyes of the user to the evils of the material world...

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