Monday, April 14, 2008

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! - The Second Coming Of Christ

The Bible says that Jesus returns "in the clouds." -- People of the world are sick, dying, starving, suffering, and our government keeps a plant illegal that could save millions of lives? A plant that has never killed anyone in 5,000 years of recorded history? Why do they REALLY want people to think this plant is evil? When it's obviously not.

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Link to first announcement at Green Earth Ministries

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Wanted!....GOD....for Trafficking in Marijuana

Jesus is His co-conspirator. We'd better alert America's Most Wanted to be on the lookout for these criminals! Maybe we should hang posters in the Post Office too before it is too late and the whole world has gone to pot. Cannabis ministers speak out at the failed war on drugs and the resulting police state we live in.

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Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Clergy Speak Out Against the War on Drugs

Protestant, Catholic and Jewish clergy speak out against “The War On Drugs.” This video is a very valid discussion regarding America's illegal prohibition on controlled substances. “One of the reasons that we as religious leaders need to speak out against it is because we share responsibility for it.” Please educate yourselves on this failed...

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Link to full article at Green Earth Ministries