Here is the HOTTEST topic going right now as the United States gears up for the new Church Age that is playing out right before our very eyes. Cases are showing up across the nation as Cannabis/Hemp (Marijuana) is revealed to the mainstream media for exactly what it is... A healing Holy herb spoken about in the Bible. REALLY... This IS BIG News!
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Rocket Johnson is PlanetWebSite's trusty pioneer! He is spanning the globe in search of the most interesting and exciting content available in The Global Webisphere. Follow RJ as he rockets around and reports on all of his adventure and discovery. The Rocket's philosophy is that "Life Should Be A BLAST! Humor and good cheer are paramount here. Please don't bring The Rocket DOWN...and keep the posts here appropriate and in good taste!
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
The Webisphere Does Have A Soul, And Ron Paul Proves It By Raising More Than $4.2 Million In a Single DAY!
"Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul, aided by an extraordinary outpouring of Internet support Monday, hauled in more than $4.2 million in nearly 24 hours" according to a Washington Associated Press report. I rejoise for the soul of the man who takes the gigantic leap of faith that all the nations of the earth will forgive the darkness as we enter into this new age of light and truth. and YOU can thank the global webisphere for that. The political establishment can't really afford anymore embarrassement now, can they?
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Saturday, October 27, 2007
This One's For The Girls
Feeling a little lost or uncertain of your path in life? The good Reverend Aunt Nurse Brenda my princess bride and fire queen extraordinaire has a few thoughts to share. A good place to find some positive Word is over at where you can always expect to feel Safe & Loved.
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Monday, October 22, 2007
America! Do You Feel Safer In Your Homes Now?
These two videos show what is really happening in the so-called drug war. This is a war against our own people! Are you really going to feel safer in your homes if these two people are in prison? And what about the violent criminals who are actually hurting people? The police are too busy to go after them. What's wrong with the drug war? EVERYTHING
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Thursday, October 18, 2007
America! Help Stop the War on Our Own People!
Legal GEM is the name for Green Earth Ministries' defense team. The team has been working to secure your rights to medical, spiritual, industrial and nutritional hemp. The case is active right now in Alabama and needs your help! Monetary donations are welcome, letters to the Governor, Attorney General, and Editors of Newspapers help too! Thanks!
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Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Digg and Reddit Users Want to Legalize Marijuana
[The rise of news aggregator websites like Digg and Reddit has become a surprisingly helpful asset to online activism for drug policy reform. - Between Digg and Reddit, we've now had several stories take off, pulling in unusually high traffic and pushing the drug policy debate beyond the self-selected audience of seasoned reform activists.]
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Is Prejudice Something That Our Elected Judges Are Allowed?
I think NOT! And anyone who feels that they are going to be unfairly judged should stand up for their rights and say something about it. We did! check out this very important precedent setting issue on the completely UNCONSTITUTIONAL War on Drug! We must END this ridiculous prohibition before it strips us of all our God given rights.
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Townspeople Light Your Torches!
This is a story of a real-life superhero...Me! Since 2003, many people have been awakening to their destinies. I am just one of those people. If you have been seeking the truth, I urge you to look deeply inside yourself. You already know what you are to do to save the world. So light your torch and proclaim the good news! Don't get left behind!
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Cannabis Ministers In Alabama Are Calling for Changes In The Law
Marijuana reform is an absolute necessity if the United States ever wants to redeem itself in eyes of the public. Our leaders have been lying to and victimizing its own citizens now for entirely too long and an Alabama couple is standing up for their rights as they call for changes in the laws.
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Thursday, October 11, 2007
We are the Lightworkers
Exciting changes are taking place all over this world. I am a lightworker and would like to share some beauty and understanding with you. Watch this powerful video and think about how you can help save our mother earth too.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
The Emperor Wears No Clothes- Factual Support for Marijuana Reform
"Were it not for the marijuana plant, the Continental Army would have frozen to death at Valley Forge". Everyone needs to read this book and take action against our nations hemp/cannabis laws. Please educate yourself if you are going to put up a fight for freedom, and this is a great jumping point.
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The War on Pot: America's $42 Billion Annual Boondoggle
"Why $42 billion? Because that's what our current marijuana laws cost American taxpayers each year, according to a new study by researcher Jon Gettman, Ph.D. -- $10.7 billion in direct law enforcement costs & $31.1 billion in lost tax revenues. [...] The new FBI stats show an all-time record 829,627 marijuana arrests in 2006, 43,000 more than 2005"
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Thursday, October 04, 2007
The Facts About Free Will and Being a SuperHero
A wise woman once wrote: "We have been told time and time again that we have been given the power of free will. What does that mean, exactly? Did you hear the words in that sentence? Did you pick up on the “power” part? Free will is a power. Whatever you decide of your own free will is what will be."
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Harvard Scientists Build a Device to Smoke Weed During Brain Scan
Smoking during a brain scan is not easy. Why would you want to? Because functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) allows researchers to observe activity in the brain, and doing so while smoking tobacco or pot could enhance our understanding of addiction and how to treat it.
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The Giant Tree of Life from Green Earth Ministries
The fruits of the Earth are for the health and nourishment of all God's children. In fact, the evidence is right there in the Bible in Genesis 1:29 which says, "And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat."
What else needs to be said here. My prayers are answered now as I can Truly come out into the light and do my part in spreading the Truth about the Word of God. I am actually a little ashamed that it took me this long. What are YOU going to do when you are face to face with your oppressors?
What else needs to be said here. My prayers are answered now as I can Truly come out into the light and do my part in spreading the Truth about the Word of God. I am actually a little ashamed that it took me this long. What are YOU going to do when you are face to face with your oppressors?
God's Hand At Work?
Thanks to some divine intervention from the SON (oops...did I say SON or SUN?), anyway... I didn't really mean to capture my hand in this photo, but it really does help demonstrate the unseen energy that human hand can have on the shape of things to come... whether you see it right away or not. God works in MYSTERIOUS ways doesn't he!
Get God and Get Anointed!
Rev "WILL I AM" Bruce Shoop
Love Soldier & Freedom Fighter!
Get God and Get Anointed!
Rev "WILL I AM" Bruce Shoop
Love Soldier & Freedom Fighter!
Friday, September 28, 2007
Are You Ready To Save Our Planet? Want $100,000? Take This Challenge
Go ahead and take a close look at this article. It should really make you think about the realities of how we have arrived at this very, very sad state of affairs in our global economy. If you are interested in a quick $100,000, then you should take Jack up on his challenge. If not, then maybe you should do something to really change the world.
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Friday, September 21, 2007
Texas Artist Preaches Freedom Philosophy
I want to thank Collen McCool for spreading the Truth about the United States illegal War on Drugs, otherwise known as prohibition.Colleen McCool recently finished her two yearly awarded portraits dedicated to the freedom philosophy or the American dream. Colleen calls it the, 'Rebel with Just Cause Award."
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Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Large Green Pot Spider Having A Snack
Can anyone identify this spider for me? He was hanging out in my sanctuary.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Cannabis Minister Preaches The Good Weed
I am so grateful for the good words and great work our Brother Roger Christie has been doing for Hawaii and the rest of the world. We are joyfully looking forward to the fine day when we can share sacraments with Roger right here in our home state of Alabama. Roger is a brave and kind minister of faith and a pro-active protector of our first amendment freedoms here in the U.S. Mahalo Roger!
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Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Best Headlight Restoration Kit On The Blogosphere
You really do owe it to yourself to check out the headlight solution that will surely bring you brighter nights if you're vehicle has those ugly faded, foggy, hazy or yellow looking headlights. The best solution on the market today is made by Crystal View.
The CV Headlight Restorer/Defogger can be found in over 10,000 retail locations in the US, including Wal-Mart and Advance Auto Parts. It is a very easy to use do-it-yourself kit that will literally save you hundreds of dollars over replacement headlight lens covers. The replacement costs for both lenses can easily exceed $500 for many of today’s automobiles.
"So Easy Even A Caveman Can Do It" was one happy customers report.
A self admitted girlie girl states "Unlike a "manly man" I carefully read the instructions (ha ha). They were thorough and easy to follow."
Hmmm... I wonder if she was referring to the caveman? Anyway, you get the picture. There are NO TOOLS REQUIRED. Everything comes in a very nicely designed shiny foil looking package with easy to understand instructions and get this... A LIFETIME WARRANTY (that is for as long as you own the car, it is not transferable)
How much is it? Good question. If you shop at the big retailers like Wal-Mart or Advance Auto Parts, you will find it for around $20 if they can keep it in stock. If you buy it online, then it will run you between $20 and $30 plus shipping. There are a few partner sites and independent resellers that offer some discounts and online specials. Just search on “cv headlight restorer” and you are sure to find them.
There are other products on the market, and I don't want to give everyone the impression that some of the other less expensive solutions are bad, only that none of the other products are a permanent solution. They may be cheaper, but that’s only because they don’t last. Case in point... you can achieve visibly noticeable improvement from using toothpaste as one YouTuber points out, but I assure you that this is a VERY temporary solution and will ultimately do more damage than good.
Crystal View is backed by $5,000,000 in product liability insurance. It has been tested extensively and at last report, over 750,000 kits have been sold so far. Did I mention that it will IMPROVE the resale value of your vehicle… REMARKABLY!
Oh yeah... did I tell you about the SATISFACTION GUARANTEED part? It's true...if you use the product as directed, and you are not satisfied, you can get your money back.
I love my brighter nights, you will to when you’ve saved a pile of money and proven to yourself that you can do it too, just like the caveman and the girlie girl!
Okay there's my sales pitch. How did I do? Check out the CV videos at YouTube and please rate them and forward them or this article on to your friends and family. Somebody you know has this problem with their car, truck or SUV right now. And you could be the one to save them $100's of dollars on their faded headlights and improve their night driving safety. I know it makes me feel good to share the news, now it's your turn to help someone out.
Visit and read some of the testimonials I’ve posted there. They are genuinely heartfelt and completely unsolicited. I know this because I actually see them as they arrive into my inbox everyday. Thanks Crystal View for brightening my nights.
The CV Headlight Restorer/Defogger can be found in over 10,000 retail locations in the US, including Wal-Mart and Advance Auto Parts. It is a very easy to use do-it-yourself kit that will literally save you hundreds of dollars over replacement headlight lens covers. The replacement costs for both lenses can easily exceed $500 for many of today’s automobiles.
"So Easy Even A Caveman Can Do It" was one happy customers report.
A self admitted girlie girl states "Unlike a "manly man" I carefully read the instructions (ha ha). They were thorough and easy to follow."
Hmmm... I wonder if she was referring to the caveman? Anyway, you get the picture. There are NO TOOLS REQUIRED. Everything comes in a very nicely designed shiny foil looking package with easy to understand instructions and get this... A LIFETIME WARRANTY (that is for as long as you own the car, it is not transferable)
How much is it? Good question. If you shop at the big retailers like Wal-Mart or Advance Auto Parts, you will find it for around $20 if they can keep it in stock. If you buy it online, then it will run you between $20 and $30 plus shipping. There are a few partner sites and independent resellers that offer some discounts and online specials. Just search on “cv headlight restorer” and you are sure to find them.
There are other products on the market, and I don't want to give everyone the impression that some of the other less expensive solutions are bad, only that none of the other products are a permanent solution. They may be cheaper, but that’s only because they don’t last. Case in point... you can achieve visibly noticeable improvement from using toothpaste as one YouTuber points out, but I assure you that this is a VERY temporary solution and will ultimately do more damage than good.
Crystal View is backed by $5,000,000 in product liability insurance. It has been tested extensively and at last report, over 750,000 kits have been sold so far. Did I mention that it will IMPROVE the resale value of your vehicle… REMARKABLY!
Oh yeah... did I tell you about the SATISFACTION GUARANTEED part? It's true...if you use the product as directed, and you are not satisfied, you can get your money back.
I love my brighter nights, you will to when you’ve saved a pile of money and proven to yourself that you can do it too, just like the caveman and the girlie girl!
Okay there's my sales pitch. How did I do? Check out the CV videos at YouTube and please rate them and forward them or this article on to your friends and family. Somebody you know has this problem with their car, truck or SUV right now. And you could be the one to save them $100's of dollars on their faded headlights and improve their night driving safety. I know it makes me feel good to share the news, now it's your turn to help someone out.
Visit and read some of the testimonials I’ve posted there. They are genuinely heartfelt and completely unsolicited. I know this because I actually see them as they arrive into my inbox everyday. Thanks Crystal View for brightening my nights.
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Headlight Restorer Receives Rave Reviews!: Woman Shares Excitement Over Her Headlights

Woman Shares Excitement Over Her Newly Polished Headlights - read full review (hillarious!)
Rocket Johnson is PlanetWebSite's roving messenger for good new, good thought, and good ideas on The Global Webisphere!
Why Restore Your Faded Dim Headlights?
Because it is dangerous to be driving at night with headlights that are just to dim to safely light the way ahead. An amazing product from Crystal View Chemicals can restore your plastic headlight covers back to like new condition without having to use any special tools or a drill. It's a simple 2-part system that takes only 5 minutes per lens...
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Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Woman Shares Excitement Over Her Headlights
Her letter starts like this... "Dear Sirs... I am a single 33 year old female. I am by my own admission, a "girlie girl" and know very little about cars." and it just goes on to get more hilarious by the sentence. This is a gem of a testimonial for anyone that may be afraid to work on their own vehicles to save a few dollars.
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Pentagon Lives on $2 Billion Per Day
Author Norman Solomon gives a history lesson and demands that we stop the madness. Love the quote by Martin Luther King Jr., "When scientific power outruns moral power, we end up with guided missiles and misguided men." Let's start by ending the civil war on drugs that has been crippling our people since the late 30's. See
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Thursday, August 23, 2007
New Study Shows Medical Value of Marijuana
Is there any wonder as to why we our society is in trouble when we can't even get our own government to tell us the truth. There must be a whole lot of money, stock options, and other forms of payola changing hands regarding this hot topic. I for one believe that it's a plant put on this planet by God. And how about that... it heals! Go figure!
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PayPal's New Logo
Well color me blue! Did you all here this? Web giant PalPal is giving themselves a! Well that should be refreshing. Here are the details via my inbox...The notice from them just came today. See my original blog post at:
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Friday, August 17, 2007
After Crystal View... It's Like Magic!
Here is a great photo testimonial from Mario in Smithville, Texas. He just finished restoring his really faded foggy looking headlights with Crystal View's Headlight Restorer/Defogger. I just get such a kick out of getting all these great comments everyday. It just warms my heart when I see them in my inbox. I often read them aloud to my wife with a big grin on my face because I just know that this is one of those amazing products where EVERYBODY WINS!
Think of it this way... by restoring your headlight lenses yourself, you are in effect recycling your old lens and keeping them out of a landfill somewhere. You get the satisfaction of saving the money you would otherwise be spending to having someone replace or restore them for you. Most replacement lenses exceed $250 each.
Keep visiting for up to date comments on this incredible money-saving spirit boosting win-win product that just makes people proud enough of their own accomplishment that they just can't help but share their amazement and joy.
Thanks for the KUDOS Mario!
By the way... Mario is no doubt and avid photographer and a man who knows how to look at the world from many different angles. He also has some really great video footage of a skydiving adventure. Check it out at his website
Think of it this way... by restoring your headlight lenses yourself, you are in effect recycling your old lens and keeping them out of a landfill somewhere. You get the satisfaction of saving the money you would otherwise be spending to having someone replace or restore them for you. Most replacement lenses exceed $250 each.
Keep visiting for up to date comments on this incredible money-saving spirit boosting win-win product that just makes people proud enough of their own accomplishment that they just can't help but share their amazement and joy.
Thanks for the KUDOS Mario!
By the way... Mario is no doubt and avid photographer and a man who knows how to look at the world from many different angles. He also has some really great video footage of a skydiving adventure. Check it out at his website
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Spiritual Highs and Legal Blows
Here is a nicely written account of the struggle of well meaning religious people fighting for the right to practice their beliefs without interference from the government. I was taught that America was the place were all people could freely practice thier religion in peace, but that is obviously not the case thanks to the failed war on drugs...
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Sunday, May 06, 2007
Is Wikipedia A Good News Source For Stories Like The Virginia Tech Shootings?
The popular Internet encyclopedia Wikipedia was a go-to site for news about the Virginia Tech shootings. I would like to point out some useful commentary available at Digg regarding the following story and the usefulness of Wikipedia as a source of reference for any kind of information, news or otherwise. After you read this article, check out this link for some different points of view: Wikipedia As A News Medium
Imagine a newspaper with over 2,000 writers, researchers and copy editors, yet no supervisors or managers. No deadlines; no meetings; no chain of command. That seemingly chaotic nonstructure isn't recognizable of the hierarchical editorial control of old media, yet that's exactly how Wikipedia, an essential source for the VA Tech shootings, works...
read the rest of the story...
Rocket Johnson Reporting
for The Global Webisphere
Visit PlanetWebSite for a look at the developing Global Webisphere.
Imagine a newspaper with over 2,000 writers, researchers and copy editors, yet no supervisors or managers. No deadlines; no meetings; no chain of command. That seemingly chaotic nonstructure isn't recognizable of the hierarchical editorial control of old media, yet that's exactly how Wikipedia, an essential source for the VA Tech shootings, works...
read the rest of the story...
Rocket Johnson Reporting
for The Global Webisphere
Visit PlanetWebSite for a look at the developing Global Webisphere.
Cheapest Airlines in the US History!
The new airlines SkyBus will certainly shake the airlines industry as it pays only $9 per hour to its flight attendants, eliminate jetway and call center, and charge you only $10 per flight. Simply amazing.
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Saturday, May 05, 2007
Judge steps down, refuses to enforce new, tougher marijuana law
"I cannot in good conscience sit on the bench while being unwilling to enforce the municipal ordinances," Frieling said. "Specifically, since you have seen fit to increase the penalty for Cannabis possession from a $100 fine to a $1,000 fine and a year in jail, I find that I am morally and ethically unable to sit as a judge for the city."This is a great testament to the fact that the awareness of this ridiculous prohibition is finally being called for what it is... another disastrous failure of our entirely too controlling legal system. It is a plant for God's sake, and one He intended for man to use just like any other herb in our gardens. Please read this post and it's comments and then do more research if you are still on the fence with this subject. Really, you owe it to yourself to be truthfully informed about the lies that have been circulating for decades about this healing herb. Try visiting The Green Earth Ministries ( where you will find many valuable articles with verifiable references to help you along.
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Why Restore Your Faded Dim Headlights?
Because it is dangerous to be driving at night with headlights that are just to dim to safely light the way ahead. An amazing product from Crystal View Chemicals can restore your plastic headlight covers back to like new condition without having to use any special tools or a drill. It's a simple 2-part system that takes only 5 minutes per lens...
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Restore Your Faded Dim Headlights For Night Driving Safety
Because it is dangerous to be driving at night with headlights that are just to dim to safely light the way ahead. An amazing product from Crystal View Chemicals can restore your plastic headlight covers back to like new condition without having to use any special tools or a drill. It's a simple 2-part system that takes only 5 minutes per lens...
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Friday, April 27, 2007
Marijuana Shrinks Tumors, Government Knew In 1974
While trying to prove the opposite, a researcher stumbled onto the fact that marijuana aggressively kills some forms of cancer.The government stepped in, shut down the study, and burned all the research. The study has since been proven to be true.
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Recent Court Rulings on the "War on Drugs" do the Constitution No Justice!
In law school, professors always extolled the virtues of “thinking like a lawyer.” What they meant by that, in the abstract, was that one could argue either side of an issue.In a practical and real world sense, the idea of “thinking like a lawyer” is usually about dogma and unthinking – sheer obedience. Such is the case of the drug war...
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New Study Shows Medical Value of Marijuana
Is there any wonder as to why we our society is in trouble when we can't even get our own government to tell us the truth. There must be a whole lot of money, stock options, and other forms of payola changing hands regarding this hot topic. I for one believe that it's a plant put on this planet by God. And how about that... it heals! Go figure!
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Monday, March 26, 2007
Why Use The Best Headlight Cleaner? Here's why...
Still not sure why you should be using Crystal View's Headlight Restorer/Defogger? Well, there is no need to keep wondering. The "proof is in the pudding," as they say. Marketing hype is one thing that most any company can generate without necessarily relying on actual facts. Why you say? Because the vast majority of American are just too busy in their lives to take the time to check facts.
That's why I am here to tell you like it really is when it comes to fixing, or more accurately "restoring" those faded, foggy, hazy looking dim headlight covers that are under constant attack from the forces of mother nature. Plastic headlight restoration, a niche industry that has blossomed in the past three years is now teaming with products all designed to improve or cure this prevalent problem facing nearly all automobile manufacturers around the globe.
Plastic headlight lenses are the norm, not the exception on the vast majority of vehicle models. Trendy looks and competitive designs that change from one year to the next are the primary reasons that plastic has replace glass as the material of choice for those sleek looking headlight covers on the front of your ride. It's really just economics. Plastic is cheaper and easier to manufacture than glass. Even so, replacement headlight covers, glass or otherwise, are still expensive. Averaging between $150 to over $600 a piece, replacing those dim, dangerous, faded headlights can really put a dent in the household budget for most. Restoration is the best option for those who really want to cure this problem and save $100's in the process.
Do-it-yourself (DIY) products are the least expensive options, followed by the increasing popular restoration services that are rapidly emerging throughout the United States. One such company that has emerged is Crystal View Chemicals, Inc. While they were not the first company to develop a headlight restoration product, they were the first to recognize the huge retail market potential in the do-it-yourself market and immediately set out to revolutionize this category. It was a wise move for Crystal View and after several years of diligent research and development, CV has emerged as the leader in DIY plastic headlight restoration.
I have been following the development of this new market segment for the past three and a half years now and while the players are now many, only one of them can truly claim the number one spot. Crystal View is the clear winner with their CV Headlight Restorer/Defogger DIY Kit. Why? Because they offer the only "permanent" restoration kit on the market complete with a lifetime warranty and a 30-day money back guaranty. The results speak for themselves and can be viewed anytime by reading the powerful selection of unsolicited customer testimonials that clearly displays the satisfaction auto owners are feeling after fixing their headlights themselves. Here are just a few of the most recent comments posted by customers of this amazing product designed to make nighttime driving safer and at the same time improving the look and resale value of your vehicle:
His first question was... "Did you buy new ones?"
My Brother told me of a product that would restore headlight lenses and was sold by Auto-Zone. I had forgotten about it. Then one day my wife was going to buy groceries at Wal-Mart and I told her to see if see could find something to repair our headlights. She brought home Crystal View. I told her if it did not work, I would stuff it all back in the bag and return it to the store for a refund. The bag is in the garbage and my headlights look like new. I had to show my son-in-law without telling him what I used. His first question was "did you buy new ones?" Great product, will definitely recommend.
Donnie F. - March 24, 2007
Bern, North Carolina
I couldn't believe my eyes, I now have bright lights again!!
I had checked into getting new headlights for my 2001 Ford Taurus and couldn't believe how much these were going to cost me. When I took my car in to Wal-Mart for my usual oil change. I happened to ask the attendant about this and he told me about your product. I purchased it and they restored my headlights while they had my car in the bay. I couldn't believe my eyes, I now have bright lights again!! Thanks for a great product.
Susan H. - March 24, 2007
Batesburg, South Carolina
This stuff really works! Thank you for a fantastic product...
WOW! If I hadn't seen the difference in my headlights with my own eyes after using your product I never would have believed it. The headlights on my 2001 Honda were REALLY cloudy, but after using your product, they look like the day the vehicle came off the showroom floor. And it was every bit as easy to use as your web site video demonstrates. It's no wonder you have so many testimonials on your web site, because this stuff really works! Thank you for a fantastic product...I'll recommend it to everyone I can!
Randy H. - March 24, 2007
Bradenton, Florida
WOW!!! I wish I took a picture of before and after.
My sister form California told me about your product so I tried it on my 1998 Ford Winstar, which has 100,000+ miles, and it turned my green foggy headlights like new. My lenses were worse then any of the ones I see in your ads. I will recommend this product to everyone I know.
P.S. This is the first time I ever sent a comment to a company about a product, you deserve the praise.
Jim T. - March 15, 2007
North Haven, Connecticut
There are several reviews available from PlanetWebSite on Crystal View's product aptly described on their eye-catching foil colored package that reads "The Best in Permanent Headlight Restoration." The remarkable success of the CV Headlight Restorer/Defogger has resulted in an on-going web campaign on the emerging Global Webisphere project by the social-networking internet pioneers at
Crystal View's kit for fixing those pesky ugly dim fading headlights is right around the corner from most, as it can be found in over 6,000 Wal-Mart and Advance Auto Part stores nationwide. You can also order it from the comforts of your desktop on-line at or even on eBay at The PlanetWebSite Trading Post, or by just clicking here.
This is Rocket Johnson reporting for The Global Webisphere and PlanetWebsite.
Over & Out!
That's why I am here to tell you like it really is when it comes to fixing, or more accurately "restoring" those faded, foggy, hazy looking dim headlight covers that are under constant attack from the forces of mother nature. Plastic headlight restoration, a niche industry that has blossomed in the past three years is now teaming with products all designed to improve or cure this prevalent problem facing nearly all automobile manufacturers around the globe.
Plastic headlight lenses are the norm, not the exception on the vast majority of vehicle models. Trendy looks and competitive designs that change from one year to the next are the primary reasons that plastic has replace glass as the material of choice for those sleek looking headlight covers on the front of your ride. It's really just economics. Plastic is cheaper and easier to manufacture than glass. Even so, replacement headlight covers, glass or otherwise, are still expensive. Averaging between $150 to over $600 a piece, replacing those dim, dangerous, faded headlights can really put a dent in the household budget for most. Restoration is the best option for those who really want to cure this problem and save $100's in the process.
Do-it-yourself (DIY) products are the least expensive options, followed by the increasing popular restoration services that are rapidly emerging throughout the United States. One such company that has emerged is Crystal View Chemicals, Inc. While they were not the first company to develop a headlight restoration product, they were the first to recognize the huge retail market potential in the do-it-yourself market and immediately set out to revolutionize this category. It was a wise move for Crystal View and after several years of diligent research and development, CV has emerged as the leader in DIY plastic headlight restoration.
I have been following the development of this new market segment for the past three and a half years now and while the players are now many, only one of them can truly claim the number one spot. Crystal View is the clear winner with their CV Headlight Restorer/Defogger DIY Kit. Why? Because they offer the only "permanent" restoration kit on the market complete with a lifetime warranty and a 30-day money back guaranty. The results speak for themselves and can be viewed anytime by reading the powerful selection of unsolicited customer testimonials that clearly displays the satisfaction auto owners are feeling after fixing their headlights themselves. Here are just a few of the most recent comments posted by customers of this amazing product designed to make nighttime driving safer and at the same time improving the look and resale value of your vehicle:
His first question was... "Did you buy new ones?"
My Brother told me of a product that would restore headlight lenses and was sold by Auto-Zone. I had forgotten about it. Then one day my wife was going to buy groceries at Wal-Mart and I told her to see if see could find something to repair our headlights. She brought home Crystal View. I told her if it did not work, I would stuff it all back in the bag and return it to the store for a refund. The bag is in the garbage and my headlights look like new. I had to show my son-in-law without telling him what I used. His first question was "did you buy new ones?" Great product, will definitely recommend.
Donnie F. - March 24, 2007
Bern, North Carolina
I couldn't believe my eyes, I now have bright lights again!!
I had checked into getting new headlights for my 2001 Ford Taurus and couldn't believe how much these were going to cost me. When I took my car in to Wal-Mart for my usual oil change. I happened to ask the attendant about this and he told me about your product. I purchased it and they restored my headlights while they had my car in the bay. I couldn't believe my eyes, I now have bright lights again!! Thanks for a great product.
Susan H. - March 24, 2007
Batesburg, South Carolina
This stuff really works! Thank you for a fantastic product...
WOW! If I hadn't seen the difference in my headlights with my own eyes after using your product I never would have believed it. The headlights on my 2001 Honda were REALLY cloudy, but after using your product, they look like the day the vehicle came off the showroom floor. And it was every bit as easy to use as your web site video demonstrates. It's no wonder you have so many testimonials on your web site, because this stuff really works! Thank you for a fantastic product...I'll recommend it to everyone I can!
Randy H. - March 24, 2007
Bradenton, Florida
WOW!!! I wish I took a picture of before and after.
My sister form California told me about your product so I tried it on my 1998 Ford Winstar, which has 100,000+ miles, and it turned my green foggy headlights like new. My lenses were worse then any of the ones I see in your ads. I will recommend this product to everyone I know.
P.S. This is the first time I ever sent a comment to a company about a product, you deserve the praise.
Jim T. - March 15, 2007
North Haven, Connecticut
There are several reviews available from PlanetWebSite on Crystal View's product aptly described on their eye-catching foil colored package that reads "The Best in Permanent Headlight Restoration." The remarkable success of the CV Headlight Restorer/Defogger has resulted in an on-going web campaign on the emerging Global Webisphere project by the social-networking internet pioneers at
Crystal View's kit for fixing those pesky ugly dim fading headlights is right around the corner from most, as it can be found in over 6,000 Wal-Mart and Advance Auto Part stores nationwide. You can also order it from the comforts of your desktop on-line at or even on eBay at The PlanetWebSite Trading Post, or by just clicking here.
This is Rocket Johnson reporting for The Global Webisphere and PlanetWebsite.
Over & Out!
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Some Strong Reviews For Crystal View's Headlight Restorer Defogger
I just can't keep all these great product reviews to myself any longer. I've been managing the customer responses from the companies websites since they began and a day doesn't go by that I get one of these "Thank you for such an AMAZING product" type messages in the feedback mailbox. Here are just a couple of unsolicited comments:
"Simply Amazing... Crystal View Is Truely The Best Product Ever!
I would Just Like to say THANK YOU!!!! My wife's 2000 Dodge Intrepid has Brand New Looking Headlights THANKS to YOU! I have used Blue Magic Plastic and Plexiglass Cleaner and Meguiars Mirror Glaze Clear Plasic Cleaner and Polish with no luck or noticable difference. Crystal View worked as labeled... Headlights look new again! Feel free to quote me. Also I have Before and After pics if you would like. Thanks Again!! Paul & Peggy Smyth - Orange City, FL" (and yes, they did say we could quote them)
minutes later the pictures arrived and this final message...
"Simply Amazing! We Have tried Maguiar's Plastic and Plexiglass Cleaner and Polish along with many other ones... None of which worked. Crystal View is Truely The Best Product Ever!
Well to anyone that is skeptical... Here is the Proof... I actually spent 20 minutes total with cleanup! Thanks Again For CV!!!!"
Yep... complete with multiple exclaimation points! you can see the before and after pics over at or where the company also has videos to show how their simple Do-It-Yourself (DIY) kit will allow you to restore your faded, foggy or hazy looking weather torn plastic lenses with ease.
And then there was this one from Steve R. from Machesney Park, IL...
"Thank you very much for this great product... you get an A++ !
This product is the best thing that I have ever bought for my car. I own a 1997 Dodge Intrepid and no matter where I looked for used replacement headlights (e-bay or junk yards) they were either the same as mine or even worse. I didn't want to spend the $380.00 for new ones
I came across your product by chance figured for under $30.00 I wouldn't be out much if it didn't work. I really had my doubt's but as I could hardly see to drive at night I had to do something and fast. I still can't believe my eyes when I look at my car, it's as if the headlights are brand new.
This product is great, even better then great as it took me less then 15 minutes to do both lights and that includes cleanup. It was so simple to do that if you can read and follow simple instructions you can do it yourself and save big $$$$.
I will tell anyone to buy this!"
Well there you have it folks, the proof is in the pudding. Cystal View Chemicals entered this market over just over 4 years ago and quickly became the market leader in this exploding category. Now they leading the nation in plastic automobile headlight restoration kits.
Backed by $5,000,000 in product liability insurance, a 30-day No Questions Asked Moneyback Guarantee and a Lifetime Warranty, there is no wonder that Crystal View's Headlight Restorer/Defogger is The Best Headlight Cleaner on the market today.
If you have trouble seeing at night while driving, then check your headlight lenses to see if they are clear. If not, then get Crystal View... clear up those faded lenses yourseld and save $100's in replacement costs. You too will be writing reviews like those above.
When you visit their Website, tell them that The Rocket sent you!
"Simply Amazing... Crystal View Is Truely The Best Product Ever!
I would Just Like to say THANK YOU!!!! My wife's 2000 Dodge Intrepid has Brand New Looking Headlights THANKS to YOU! I have used Blue Magic Plastic and Plexiglass Cleaner and Meguiars Mirror Glaze Clear Plasic Cleaner and Polish with no luck or noticable difference. Crystal View worked as labeled... Headlights look new again! Feel free to quote me. Also I have Before and After pics if you would like. Thanks Again!! Paul & Peggy Smyth - Orange City, FL" (and yes, they did say we could quote them)
minutes later the pictures arrived and this final message...
"Simply Amazing! We Have tried Maguiar's Plastic and Plexiglass Cleaner and Polish along with many other ones... None of which worked. Crystal View is Truely The Best Product Ever!
Well to anyone that is skeptical... Here is the Proof... I actually spent 20 minutes total with cleanup! Thanks Again For CV!!!!"
Yep... complete with multiple exclaimation points! you can see the before and after pics over at or where the company also has videos to show how their simple Do-It-Yourself (DIY) kit will allow you to restore your faded, foggy or hazy looking weather torn plastic lenses with ease.
And then there was this one from Steve R. from Machesney Park, IL...
"Thank you very much for this great product... you get an A++ !
This product is the best thing that I have ever bought for my car. I own a 1997 Dodge Intrepid and no matter where I looked for used replacement headlights (e-bay or junk yards) they were either the same as mine or even worse. I didn't want to spend the $380.00 for new ones
I came across your product by chance figured for under $30.00 I wouldn't be out much if it didn't work. I really had my doubt's but as I could hardly see to drive at night I had to do something and fast. I still can't believe my eyes when I look at my car, it's as if the headlights are brand new.
This product is great, even better then great as it took me less then 15 minutes to do both lights and that includes cleanup. It was so simple to do that if you can read and follow simple instructions you can do it yourself and save big $$$$.
I will tell anyone to buy this!"
Well there you have it folks, the proof is in the pudding. Cystal View Chemicals entered this market over just over 4 years ago and quickly became the market leader in this exploding category. Now they leading the nation in plastic automobile headlight restoration kits.
Backed by $5,000,000 in product liability insurance, a 30-day No Questions Asked Moneyback Guarantee and a Lifetime Warranty, there is no wonder that Crystal View's Headlight Restorer/Defogger is The Best Headlight Cleaner on the market today.
If you have trouble seeing at night while driving, then check your headlight lenses to see if they are clear. If not, then get Crystal View... clear up those faded lenses yourseld and save $100's in replacement costs. You too will be writing reviews like those above.
When you visit their Website, tell them that The Rocket sent you!
Headlight Restoration - The Solution Is Crystal View

Okay folks, here is some very EXCITING NEWS...
You know that I've been talking about how great my good buddy's product is. You know, the one that clears up the faded, foggy, hazy looking headlight lenses on that slightly aged car of yours. And if it's not your car, then I am sure one of your friends or neighbors has got one like I'm talking about. My Mom just bought a used car and her headlights are that way right now...but not for long!
Here is the solution... and it's guaranteed! It's Crystal View's Headlight Restorer/Defogger. It's quickly becoming available all over the United States right now, and I am sure it will be rapidly entering the overseas and Canadian markets soon.
Does it work? YOU BET IT DOES! Listen folks... I'm about as close to this products results as anyone could be, and I'm telling you right now... IT WORKS! How can I be so confident? I've seen it with my own two eyes first of all, but the bigger testament is coming in from Crystal View's many very satisfied customers. I'm their webmaster, and I get to view the testamonials everyday as they are posted to the companies Do-It-Yourself website. is where Crystal View Chemicals displays to the on-line community it's breakthrough product that is now available on shelves in Advance Auto Parts and Walmart stores nationwide. But don't worry... if you can't get by there, or if you just have to have it now, then you can order it online at their website.
just today, this is what Thomas V. of South Range, WI had to say
And that is just one of dozens like it! I'm not kidding, just go to their website and you'll see many of the other "real world" testamonials posted right there.
So if you or someone you know is afflicted with those yellowing, dull looking, less effective and even unsafe headlights... then be sure to tell them to get Crystal View's Headlight Restorer/Defogger. It's the one that REALLY WORKS, it's permanent AND it has a LIFETIME Warranty!
Don't just take my word for it... TRY IT!
Rocket Johnson Reporting
Over & Out
You know that I've been talking about how great my good buddy's product is. You know, the one that clears up the faded, foggy, hazy looking headlight lenses on that slightly aged car of yours. And if it's not your car, then I am sure one of your friends or neighbors has got one like I'm talking about. My Mom just bought a used car and her headlights are that way right now...but not for long!
Here is the solution... and it's guaranteed! It's Crystal View's Headlight Restorer/Defogger. It's quickly becoming available all over the United States right now, and I am sure it will be rapidly entering the overseas and Canadian markets soon.
Does it work? YOU BET IT DOES! Listen folks... I'm about as close to this products results as anyone could be, and I'm telling you right now... IT WORKS! How can I be so confident? I've seen it with my own two eyes first of all, but the bigger testament is coming in from Crystal View's many very satisfied customers. I'm their webmaster, and I get to view the testamonials everyday as they are posted to the companies Do-It-Yourself website. is where Crystal View Chemicals displays to the on-line community it's breakthrough product that is now available on shelves in Advance Auto Parts and Walmart stores nationwide. But don't worry... if you can't get by there, or if you just have to have it now, then you can order it online at their website.
just today, this is what Thomas V. of South Range, WI had to say
"When I was in Wal-Mart today I was walking around the Auto department and I saw your Headlight Restoration product. I have been thinking about replacing my headlights for about a year now but didn't really have a couple hundred dollars to blow on them. So I thought it couldn't hurt to try your first I was a bit skeptical that it wouldn't even work, but when I got home an used your product...I couldn't believe my eyes, my headlights looked brand new, the ugly haze that has covered my headlights for years was gone. I have tried many different products on my aging car to try to keep it looking good and many products failed...miserably, but I have got to say your product really did what it claimed it would do...made my headlights look new again...and my headlights are brighter while driving at night. Thank you"
And that is just one of dozens like it! I'm not kidding, just go to their website and you'll see many of the other "real world" testamonials posted right there.
So if you or someone you know is afflicted with those yellowing, dull looking, less effective and even unsafe headlights... then be sure to tell them to get Crystal View's Headlight Restorer/Defogger. It's the one that REALLY WORKS, it's permanent AND it has a LIFETIME Warranty!
Don't just take my word for it... TRY IT!
Rocket Johnson Reporting
Over & Out
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