Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Woman Shares Excitement Over Her Headlights

Her letter starts like this... "Dear Sirs... I am a single 33 year old female. I am by my own admission, a "girlie girl" and know very little about cars." and it just goes on to get more hilarious by the sentence. This is a gem of a testimonial for anyone that may be afraid to work on their own vehicles to save a few dollars.

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Pentagon Lives on $2 Billion Per Day

Author Norman Solomon gives a history lesson and demands that we stop the madness. Love the quote by Martin Luther King Jr., "When scientific power outruns moral power, we end up with guided missiles and misguided men." Let's start by ending the civil war on drugs that has been crippling our people since the late 30's. See

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Thursday, August 23, 2007

New Study Shows Medical Value of Marijuana

Is there any wonder as to why we our society is in trouble when we can't even get our own government to tell us the truth. There must be a whole lot of money, stock options, and other forms of payola changing hands regarding this hot topic. I for one believe that it's a plant put on this planet by God. And how about that... it heals! Go figure!

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PayPal's New Logo

Well color me blue! Did you all here this? Web giant PalPal is giving themselves a! Well that should be refreshing. Here are the details via my inbox...The notice from them just came today. See my original blog post at:

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Friday, August 17, 2007

After Crystal View... It's Like Magic!

After Crystal View
Originally uploaded by CreatedSilly
Here is a great photo testimonial from Mario in Smithville, Texas. He just finished restoring his really faded foggy looking headlights with Crystal View's Headlight Restorer/Defogger. I just get such a kick out of getting all these great comments everyday. It just warms my heart when I see them in my inbox. I often read them aloud to my wife with a big grin on my face because I just know that this is one of those amazing products where EVERYBODY WINS!

Think of it this way... by restoring your headlight lenses yourself, you are in effect recycling your old lens and keeping them out of a landfill somewhere. You get the satisfaction of saving the money you would otherwise be spending to having someone replace or restore them for you. Most replacement lenses exceed $250 each.

Keep visiting for up to date comments on this incredible money-saving spirit boosting win-win product that just makes people proud enough of their own accomplishment that they just can't help but share their amazement and joy.

Thanks for the KUDOS Mario!

By the way... Mario is no doubt and avid photographer and a man who knows how to look at the world from many different angles. He also has some really great video footage of a skydiving adventure. Check it out at his website