I just can't keep all these great product reviews to myself any longer. I've been managing the customer responses from the companies websites since they began and a day doesn't go by that I get one of these "Thank you for such an AMAZING product" type messages in the feedback mailbox. Here are just a couple of unsolicited comments:
"Simply Amazing... Crystal View Is Truely The Best Product Ever!
I would Just Like to say THANK YOU!!!! My wife's 2000 Dodge Intrepid has Brand New Looking Headlights THANKS to YOU! I have used Blue Magic Plastic and Plexiglass Cleaner and Meguiars Mirror Glaze Clear Plasic Cleaner and Polish with no luck or noticable difference. Crystal View worked as labeled... Headlights look new again! Feel free to quote me. Also I have Before and After pics if you would like. Thanks Again!! Paul & Peggy Smyth - Orange City, FL" (and yes, they did say we could quote them)
minutes later the pictures arrived and this final message...
"Simply Amazing! We Have tried Maguiar's Plastic and Plexiglass Cleaner and Polish along with many other ones... None of which worked. Crystal View is Truely The Best Product Ever!
Well to anyone that is skeptical... Here is the Proof... I actually spent 20 minutes total with cleanup! Thanks Again For CV!!!!"
Yep... complete with multiple exclaimation points! you can see the before and after pics over at BestHeadlightCleaners.com or MyHeadlights.com where the company also has videos to show how their simple Do-It-Yourself (DIY) kit will allow you to restore your faded, foggy or hazy looking weather torn plastic lenses with ease.
And then there was this one from Steve R. from Machesney Park, IL...
"Thank you very much for this great product... you get an A++ !
This product is the best thing that I have ever bought for my car. I own a 1997 Dodge Intrepid and no matter where I looked for used replacement headlights (e-bay or junk yards) they were either the same as mine or even worse. I didn't want to spend the $380.00 for new ones
I came across your product by chance figured for under $30.00 I wouldn't be out much if it didn't work. I really had my doubt's but as I could hardly see to drive at night I had to do something and fast. I still can't believe my eyes when I look at my car, it's as if the headlights are brand new.
This product is great, even better then great as it took me less then 15 minutes to do both lights and that includes cleanup. It was so simple to do that if you can read and follow simple instructions you can do it yourself and save big $$$$.
I will tell anyone to buy this!"
Well there you have it folks, the proof is in the pudding. Cystal View Chemicals entered this market over just over 4 years ago and quickly became the market leader in this exploding category. Now they leading the nation in plastic automobile headlight restoration kits.
Backed by $5,000,000 in product liability insurance, a 30-day No Questions Asked Moneyback Guarantee and a Lifetime Warranty, there is no wonder that Crystal View's Headlight Restorer/Defogger is The Best Headlight Cleaner on the market today.
If you have trouble seeing at night while driving, then check your headlight lenses to see if they are clear. If not, then get Crystal View... clear up those faded lenses yourseld and save $100's in replacement costs. You too will be writing reviews like those above.
When you visit their Website, tell them that The Rocket sent you!
Rocket Johnson is PlanetWebSite's trusty pioneer! He is spanning the globe in search of the most interesting and exciting content available in The Global Webisphere. Follow RJ as he rockets around and reports on all of his adventure and discovery. The Rocket's philosophy is that "Life Should Be A BLAST! Humor and good cheer are paramount here. Please don't bring The Rocket DOWN...and keep the posts here appropriate and in good taste!
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Headlight Restoration - The Solution Is Crystal View

Okay folks, here is some very EXCITING NEWS...
You know that I've been talking about how great my good buddy's product is. You know, the one that clears up the faded, foggy, hazy looking headlight lenses on that slightly aged car of yours. And if it's not your car, then I am sure one of your friends or neighbors has got one like I'm talking about. My Mom just bought a used car and her headlights are that way right now...but not for long!
Here is the solution... and it's guaranteed! It's Crystal View's Headlight Restorer/Defogger. It's quickly becoming available all over the United States right now, and I am sure it will be rapidly entering the overseas and Canadian markets soon.
Does it work? YOU BET IT DOES! Listen folks... I'm about as close to this products results as anyone could be, and I'm telling you right now... IT WORKS! How can I be so confident? I've seen it with my own two eyes first of all, but the bigger testament is coming in from Crystal View's many very satisfied customers. I'm their webmaster, and I get to view the testamonials everyday as they are posted to the companies Do-It-Yourself website.
MyHeadlights.com is where Crystal View Chemicals displays to the on-line community it's breakthrough product that is now available on shelves in Advance Auto Parts and Walmart stores nationwide. But don't worry... if you can't get by there, or if you just have to have it now, then you can order it online at their website.
just today, this is what Thomas V. of South Range, WI had to say
And that is just one of dozens like it! I'm not kidding, just go to their website and you'll see many of the other "real world" testamonials posted right there.
So if you or someone you know is afflicted with those yellowing, dull looking, less effective and even unsafe headlights... then be sure to tell them to get Crystal View's Headlight Restorer/Defogger. It's the one that REALLY WORKS, it's permanent AND it has a LIFETIME Warranty!
Don't just take my word for it... TRY IT!
Rocket Johnson Reporting
Over & Out
You know that I've been talking about how great my good buddy's product is. You know, the one that clears up the faded, foggy, hazy looking headlight lenses on that slightly aged car of yours. And if it's not your car, then I am sure one of your friends or neighbors has got one like I'm talking about. My Mom just bought a used car and her headlights are that way right now...but not for long!
Here is the solution... and it's guaranteed! It's Crystal View's Headlight Restorer/Defogger. It's quickly becoming available all over the United States right now, and I am sure it will be rapidly entering the overseas and Canadian markets soon.
Does it work? YOU BET IT DOES! Listen folks... I'm about as close to this products results as anyone could be, and I'm telling you right now... IT WORKS! How can I be so confident? I've seen it with my own two eyes first of all, but the bigger testament is coming in from Crystal View's many very satisfied customers. I'm their webmaster, and I get to view the testamonials everyday as they are posted to the companies Do-It-Yourself website.
MyHeadlights.com is where Crystal View Chemicals displays to the on-line community it's breakthrough product that is now available on shelves in Advance Auto Parts and Walmart stores nationwide. But don't worry... if you can't get by there, or if you just have to have it now, then you can order it online at their website.
just today, this is what Thomas V. of South Range, WI had to say
"When I was in Wal-Mart today I was walking around the Auto department and I saw your Headlight Restoration product. I have been thinking about replacing my headlights for about a year now but didn't really have a couple hundred dollars to blow on them. So I thought it couldn't hurt to try your product...at first I was a bit skeptical that it wouldn't even work, but when I got home an used your product...I couldn't believe my eyes, my headlights looked brand new, the ugly haze that has covered my headlights for years was gone. I have tried many different products on my aging car to try to keep it looking good and many products failed...miserably, but I have got to say your product really did what it claimed it would do...made my headlights look new again...and my headlights are brighter while driving at night. Thank you"
And that is just one of dozens like it! I'm not kidding, just go to their website and you'll see many of the other "real world" testamonials posted right there.
So if you or someone you know is afflicted with those yellowing, dull looking, less effective and even unsafe headlights... then be sure to tell them to get Crystal View's Headlight Restorer/Defogger. It's the one that REALLY WORKS, it's permanent AND it has a LIFETIME Warranty!
Don't just take my word for it... TRY IT!
Rocket Johnson Reporting
Over & Out
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