Monday, February 20, 2006

OutPost Blogger - Rocket Talk - News on The Global Webisphere!

I've found a new outpost to to place our messages of the hope and goodwill emerging out there on the internet's newest frontier, PlanetWebSite and The Global Webisphere! Please go and check out what others in the Webisphere are saying about my travels and discoveries into the vastness of Cyberspace.

There is a NEW OutPost in the Global Webisphere and it is officially titled OUTPOST BLOGGER

OutPost Blogger - Rocket Talk - News on The Global Webisphere!


Anonymous said...

Hey Sweetie,

I found your outpost. I really am a true Webisphere!

You should post your Biloxi review out here so these travellers can see how things are progressing down there in Bilox after Hurricane Katrina.

I Love You RJ!

Rocket Johnson said...

Okay... here it is: There's Hope In His Eyes - A photographic journey from Rocket Johnson!

Please have a look at my recent photo journalism project on the recovery of Biloxi and the Mississippi Gulf Coast, after being decimated by Hurricane Katrina!

I really hope everyone can be touched by this story!

It's a beautiful day here on PlanetWebSite!

Rocket Johnson Reporting!
Over and Out