Thursday, March 09, 2006

The Paradise Lounge

The Global Webisphere is blessed with a place of insight and intrique as PlanetWebSite's trusty pioneer Jeannie Paradise develops this community gathering place. The Paradise Lounge shares our common vision of the new and emerging Global Webisphere with PlanetWebSite at it's core.

Here at The Paradise Lounge, we will be serving up a variety of delicious treats and activities to enlighten and entertain our guests. Please leave us comments on our topics so that we can continue to broaden our horizons and sail on to the very next paradise in view. By the way, Jeannie's Partner In Paradise (her "PIP"!) is none other than Capt. Kurt Sails, our resident Sailing Coordinator. So you will very likely find Ol' Kurt hangin' around The Paradise Lounge. I know that's where I usually find him.

Thank You Jeannie for your willingness to pioneer our grand new PlanetWebSite community and I love you and Kurt dearly. I can't wait till we're all circling the globe together! SOON

So if you are in need of a little brain food, then stop on by The Paradise Lounge.


buoywunder said...

ALoha Rocket,

Just got your post. Thanks for the review. I've been lagging on keepin up lately as a child has entered mt life...since last May. Would certainly like to meet you of you come out this way.

Rocket Johnson said...

I completely understand BoyWonder. I too have much on my plate and find it difficult sometimes to keep up with all my blog projects. We do need to keep in touch, and I look forward to meeting you when my Wife and I make it over to Hawaii.